Rail transit national laboratory
The establishment of modern rail transit national laboratory is based on the existing traction power national key laboratory (southwest Jiao tong university), this laboratory is one of the second batch`s national laboratory which are decided in 2006.It is the only
National laboratory of the university in western region, and also is the only railway traffic field of China`s laboratory. The construction project of Rail transit will centre on high-speed train and found three experimental research platforms: High-speed train basic research experiment platform which includes the simulation experiment system of locomotive vehicle performance, the basic research experiment system of wheel-rail relationship, the basic research experiment system of high-speed pantograph-catenary relationship, the experimental system structure vibration and reliability, and the analysis system of material microscopic; High-speed train digital simulation platform which includes the high-speed train virtual prototype, the operation environment of digital traction power supply, the virtual environment of digital public works project, the simulation system of train operation, the control environment of digital train operation control, the high speed railway train basic database, and the high-speed train simulation bridge; High-speed train service performance experiment platform which includes the inner measuring system of high-speed train, and the outer measuring system of high-speed train. Experimental equipment and relevant engineering construction scale of building project is 400 million Yuan. The laboratory will devote to solving the country`s rail transportation development demand by setting high speed, heavy load, and new rail transit system as the core. It will carry out the multi-level technology innovation, push the related industry technology progress and finally promote the international competitiveness.